Thursday, October 14, 2010

The UAE past and present

Compare and contrast the UAE 40 years ago with the UAE today

The UAE has changed dramatically over the past forty years. Some things, however, have not changed.

There are certain similarities between the UAE forty years ago and today. First, the official language is still Arabic, although English is widely spoken. Secondly, the religion and culture is still Islamic and the sound of the mosque is still heard around the city. Traditional dress continues to be worn by both male and female Emiratis. Customs such as falconry and camel racing are still popular. The same ruling family fills the position of head of state, or president, of the UAE.

There are, however, many significant differences from forty years ago. Firstly, the population has increased, both Emirati and expatriate. In addition, the economy has been transformed by the development of the oil industry. The resulting wealth has funded a transformation of the infrastructure: more roads, high-rise buildings, harbours, bridges, schools and hospitals. The topography of the UAE has changed completely. Look at any old photograph of Abu Dhabi or Dubai forty years ago and the differences with today are striking.

In conclusion, the differences outweigh the similarities. The UAE has, in brief, modernised more quickly in forty years than perhaps any other country in the world.

205 words

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