Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Desert Trip

Preparing for a desert trip

The desert is a harsh environment so it’s important to prepare your trip very carefully. These are the steps you should follow.

First, you must have a 4-WD vehicle. Obtain a good map and decide on your route and destination. Then let your family and friends know where and when you are going. Don’t go on a long desert trip with only one vehicle. Make sure your car is in sound mechanical condition and take care to check oil and water levels. Take spare fuel and plenty of food and drinking water. Don’t forget to take your mobile and a compass in case you get lost. In addition, make sure you have a good first-aid kit in case of emergency or mishap. Finally, before going off-road, lower your tyre pressures to the recommended level.

A desert trip is never completely risk-free so it’s important to follow all the above steps. Going into the desert is always an adventure. Bon voyage.

160 words

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