Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Additional information/Similarity/Contrast

moreover (formal); furthermore; in addition; on top of that

The Prime Minister is unwilling to admit that the country is deeply in debt. Moreover/Furthermore/In addition he insists he can maintain current levels of government spending.

The earthquake victims in Haiti are desperately short of food and shelter. In addition they urgently need doctors and medical supplies.

She borrowed my bike and never gave it back. On top of that, she broke the lawnmower and wrecked the washing machine.

Expressing similarity

similarly; in the same way

The roads are usually very crowded at the beginning of the holiday season. Similarly, there are often traffic jams at the end of the holidays.

We did everything to provide our daughters with a good education. In the same way, they put a high value on our grandchildren's education.

Emphasising a contrast
Stronger contrast

however; nevertheless; mind you; still; yet; in spite of this

Britain came last in the World Children's Games again. However, we did have one success with Annie Smith's world record in the egg and spoon race.

I don't like the job much. Mind you, the money's good.

He says he's not rich and yet he owns 3 houses and 4 cars.

It was foggy this morning. In spite of this, I managed to get to college on time.

It was foggy earlier but I still managed to get here on time.

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