Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bar graph: city growth

Growth of urban agglomerations, 1950-2015.

The chart shows the population of nine major cities over the past sixty years, and the projected level in five years time.

The only city where the population has fallen is London, from about 8M in 1950 to around 7M in 2000; it’s projected to remain the same in 2015. New York’s population rose steadily, from about 12M in 1950 to around 16M in 2000, rising to 17M by 2015. The other seven cities have all witnessed more dramatic growth. From 2.5M in 1950, Cairo is forecast to reach 14M by 2015. Mexico City is forecast to reach almost 20M, from about 3M in 1950, Shanghai nearly 15M, from 5M, and Sao Paolo 20M, from about 3M. Bombay and Tokyo are predicted to top 25M, from 3.5M and 7M respectively. Perhaps the most dramatic rise is Lagos, with a predicted 24M in 2015, from less than a million in 1950.

Only London has a fall in population, 1950-2015. New York shows a gradual increase, while the other seven cities all show spectacular growth.

169 words

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